
Join us in making a difference

Initiatives for Progressive Change (IfPC) is a duly registered local organization with the primary goal of Inspiring Change and Transforming Lives.  

IfPC has a number of strategic and operational strengths which makes it an ideal partner of choice for any organization keen to implement projects and programs that inspire and facilitate transformative changes. 

Among these strengths are....

1.Strong grassroots presence with a network of partners


Rooted within the community, IfPC strongly believes in the power of grass root level engagements to drive, facilitate, and catalyze transformative changes. 

With a particular focus on youth and women, IfPC works with a network of local and national partners and stakeholders to trigger and facilitate all-inclusive changes.

2. Solid management, operational and strategic framework       


 The organization is governed by an experienced and largely female Board of Directors (BoDs) with the support of the executive director, administrative staff, and a team of volunteers across the county. It has an established, operational, and fairly equipped office in Marsabit town and is also in consultations with some partners for hosting arrangements of its volunteers as part of its growth plan. 

Additionally, the organization’s management and planning are guided by a range of operational standards such as financial, procurement, human resources guidelines, and code of conduct among others.

3. Well-grounded experience and successes in implementing the locally- driven transformative programs


In its community peace-building program component, IfPC is implementing a community-led peace-building initiative that put premiums on the village-level engagement of warring communities within violent conflict action areas.

This disruptively transformative approach involves bringing members of warrying village leadership including women and youth to the discussion table.  These inter-village engagements created a platform for the villagers directly affected by the conflict to have candid conversations on their shared predicament from the impact of conflict, resulting in their realization of shared fate and destiny thereby yielding a huge success in promoting social cohesion.

 On ending the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) project, IfPC host a critical mass of young people under the umbrella of Marsabit County Anti-FGM Youth Network.